Sunday, 17 May 2009

Launch Tree - How Your Business Multiplies, continued

In the previous post we looked at how Mike and Anik, the authors of the Launch Tree course, doubled their normal profits, and then doubled them AGAIN, by first gaining huge customer confidence - and hence traffic - through very valuable giveaways (the root), and then selling their massively valuable product for a fraction of its real value as a loss-leader (the trunk) - and so DOUBLED the normal conversion rate of this very high traffic.

But, as we have seen, a tree is not a tree without branches. Having already quadrupled their customer base, Mike and Anik went on to double the lifetime value of these customers and get them to spend twice as much with them, by using the principle of upselling or customizing, which we looked at earlier. They do this in two main ways:

  1. By tempting the purchasers into their membership site, benefiting from their monthly recurring fees. As we all know, people who sign up to a membership site don't stay very long unless they are getting good value. So Mike and Anik keep them on board by making sure they get maximum value and are kept happy by receiving top-level customer support.

  2. By providing the purchasers with the opportunity to purchase additional items which complement their original purchase and add value. When they see for themselves how much more value these products will add to their original purchase, they don't have to be pressured, they are only too eager to buy.

The authors of Launch Tree use an important psychological principle called "consistency" to help them do this. We will look at this more in the next post.

If you really think about the staggering profits you can make using these principles, you surely can't help being as excited as I am. So do have a look if you'd like to know more!

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Launch Tree - How Your Business Multiplies

Launch Tree emphasizes that its approach to marketing is revolutionary and this approach guarantees that your business will multiply exponentially. How do they do this?

Applying the "tree" principle to Internet marketing, you first have to get the "root" - i.e. the customer psychology - right in order to get massive amounts of targeted traffic. The Launch Tree guys do this by giving away free content beforehand - really valuable stuff that they could sell for hundreds of dollars. This creates genuine customer trust and confidence - as we have been seeing, without this you haven't got a business. This also helps to build large numbers of affiliates.

So they start with at least DOUBLE the amount of traffic that most product launches achieve. They then proceed to DOUBLE the usual conversion rate on this traffic, through their product - the trunk of the tree. They do this by using the product as a loss-leader, as we talked about in the previous post. Instead of selling it for hundreds of dollars as they could, they sell it for $67 or $77. Using the trust and confidence that they have already built up, this results in a massive conversion rate. Remember this isn't just theory - they have ALREADY DONE exactly this.

Then comes the most exciting part - the branches. This is the subject for the next post. Remember these are valuable marketing principles which you can learn whether you buy the product or not, but do check out Launch Tree if you would like to know more.

Friday, 15 May 2009

Launch Tree - The Way To Launch A Product

We have been looking at all the different aspects of the "tree" part of Launch Tree - how to grow your single product into a multi-million dollar business by getting the root, trunk and branches right.

But - why is it called "LAUNCH Tree"?

Because it provides a completely revolutionary take on how to launch your product. Up till now, launching a new product on to the market, including the Internet market, was done in a "one-dimensional" way - you expect that most of the profits you and your affiliates gain from the launch will be from sales of the actual product you are promoting. (A trunk without branches!)

Mike and Anik have proved beyond doubt that their revolutionary method can multiply these profits by two,three or four hundred percent - or even more. They proved it with their PPC Classroom launch last year. It's done on a principle similar to the "loss leader" principle used by the supermarkets. They attract people in with a special offer on which they are actually making a loss. When people do come in, they usually buy products that complement their original purchase, so of course the store makes a big profit from customers who wouldn't have come in at all otherwise.

So with the Launch Tree style of product launches - you offer a product that people would expect to cost hundreds of dollars, for, say $67. Then they rely on you making lots of additional purchases that complement your initial purchase - i.e. that make your initial purchase much more valuable to you. If the initial product had cost hundreds of dollars, far fewer people would have bought it, and wouldn't have bought additional products. But people just can't resist a bargain.

More about this in the next post,but do check out Launch Tree if you'd like to know more.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Launch Tree - Making Money By Giving Away

We have been looking at some of the amazing insights from the new course Launch Tree which everyone is talking about. We have seen how a business, when rooted in a correct understanding of the customer's mind, can grow from a single product and branch out into a million-dollar enterprise.

Of course one aspect of everyone's psychology is the desire to get something for nothing! In fact the word "FREE" has been proved to be the most powerful word in attracting attention to any advertising copy!

The authors of Launch Tree, Anik and Mike, have exploited this aspect of psychology to the full. They have proved beyond doubt that giving away stuff for free not only makes you money, but makes you lots of it. One of the authors, Mike Filsaime, gave away a product he had previously been selling for nearly $2,000. And it wasn't as if people hadn't been buying it at that price - they had, in large numbers. But from this giveaway he built a $10 million dollar empire.

Of course, you have to know what you're doing! It's a question of "Don't try this at home!" The Launch Tree course teaches exactly how to go about using giveaways to make colossal amounts of money.

This is only one of many, many revolutionary concepts contained in Launch Tree. Have a look if you'd like to know more!

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Launch Tree - The Right WAY to Add Value For Your Customer

In looking at some snippets of Launch Tree's sensational new take on marketing, we talked in the last post about adding value to your customer's purchase. We pointed out that one crucial thing is getting the timing right, and if you don't, you won't succeed. (In the Launch Tree course approach, this represents the branches on the tree.)

But of course, as well as there being a right and wrong time, there is also a right and wrong way.

The wrong way is of course to present your customer immediately with another sales offer, even if it's at a discount. For instance, if you have sold a cellphone, saying something like "We've got a special offer on the latest ringtones at the moment - would you like one?" The majority of people are hardwired to recognize a sales pitch and automatically resist it. So don't make a sales pitch. Capitalize on how pleased your customer is with his purchase and pick up in conversation what would increase his pleasure - would it be ringtones, games, wallpaper etc. Then provide the customer with a selection. Do this by

  1. Making every offer follow logically from the one before.

  2. Always asking questions that will get the answer Yes.

Do you feel you're not completely clear about the exact steps involved in building your product into a million-dollar business? Well, obviously, it's a huge learning curve and you can't learn the whole lot from this blog! But it IS taught step-by-step in Launch Tree.

But the purpose of this blog is to present some of the insights from Launch Tree so that even if you don't buy it, you can still get some benefit!

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Launch Tree - The right TIME to add value for your customer

We have been looking at the emphasis Launch Tree places on multiplying your profits many times over, just by knowing the right time and the right way to add value to your customer's initial purchase.

The right TIME is when they realize they have got exactly what they wanted. They will only feel this way if they believe that THEY have made the decision to purchase. If they feel they were "sold" to, or pressured into buying, or only bought to make you go away, they will not have a positive feeling about it. But if they are happy and feel they have got a good deal, they will be in the mood to add to their purchase.

Your job is then to introduce into their minds the idea of products that will make them feel even better about their purchase. To do this you have keep your focus on your understanding of the customer's psychology (remember this is the ROOT of the tree). Why do you think the customer bought the product? You have to identify the main reason before you know what will enhance it for the customer, what will increase the customer's pleasure and enjoyment.

For instance, if it is a cellphone, did the customer buy it primarily to be able to call his wife on the way home from work? Or did he buy it primarily to impress his friends? If the latter, he may be interested in the latest gadgets like a handheld GPS device, or some really exciting ringtones. If the former, he just needs to be sure he can get a signal wherever he happens to be!

This is just a tiny bit of what's in the first chapter of Launch Tree - but it's all a new take on marketing, designed to make sure you can follow their methods step by step to make their million-dollar fortunes!

(In the next post we'll say more about the right WAY)

Launch Tree - Are You Sure You're Getting It Right?

We have now seen how Launch Tree views your marketing business as a tree with root, trunk and branches.

  • The ROOT is a correct understanding of the psychology of the customer. Just as a tree can only grow from a healthy root, so your business cannot grow if you don't get this right.

  • The TRUNK is getting your product right. You don't start with developing a fantastic product, you start with finding out what the customers really want - not what they need, but what they want.

  • The BRANCHES grow from the right understanding of the customer and the right product. The idea is to develop additional products which will enhance the customer's enjoyment of their initial purchase and which will hugely multiply the value to you of your original product.

This isn't as easy as it sounds - it only works if you get it right. You must get the timing right and the order right, and above all you must never lose sight of the psychology of your customer. Know when the customers are in a mood to add to their original purchase and know the right questions to ask in order to get a Yes answer. Know how to make each question follow logically from the one before, in order to make sure you don't get a No. Know what makes your customers tick, so that you can keep them happy ALL the time.

This is just a minute part of the business method that has made Anik and Mike, the authors of Launch Tree, into multi-millionaires, so do have a look if you want to know more! (They are sharing the whole lot with us!)

Monday, 11 May 2009

Launch - The RIGHT Way To Add Value To Your Product

In the previous post we talked about why just selling a product and leaving it there is like not having any branches on the tree. In fact without branches it's not really a tree at all.

What we were actually talking about was "upselling". But in
Launch Tree, they don't call it "upselling", they call it "customizing". This is because just as people don't like being "sold" to, they don't like being "upsold" to either. What you are aiming to do is increase your customer's happiness and satisfaction by enhancing the value of their original purchase.

But the point is, YOU are not SELLING them these additional products. You are letting them know that they have the opportunity to make their purchase more suited to their individual likes and preferences. That's what "customizing" means.

So if someone has just bought your new cellphone, don't say "How about buying some more ringtones?" They will almost certainly say No. Say something like "Are you the sort of person who likes individual ringtones?" - what you actually do say of course will depend on what you have learnt about their individual personality. But make sure it's a question that will get the answer Yes. Then go on from there.

Of course this is just a tiny speck of what is taught in
Launch Tree - but it's all geared to helping you multiply your profits fourfold, fivefold or even more, just as Anik and Mike (the authors) did. Have a look for yourself!

Launch Tree - How To Grow A Product Into A Business

In the previous post we talked about one of the central principles of Launch Tree - that just selling a product and stopping there is like a tree without branches.

This means that when you are developing your product for the market, you must not only make sure FIRST that it's what customers really want - though of course you must do this - but you must think about what additional products would enhance the product, or add value to the product, for your customers. If you don't do this you are doing yourself out of huge amounts of money.

Not only this - but the Launch Tree guys maintain that you are cheating your customers as well! Because you are depriving them of the opportunity to increase their enjoyment of the purchase they have made. For example, if your customer has bought a new cellphone - and has made the decision to buy it, rather than been pressured into buying it - he/she will be in the mood to add to the original purchase with all sorts of other products such as ringtones, games, wallpapers or even a handheld GPS device. This way you can multiply the value of the original purchase twice, three times or even four times.

This is part of
Launch Tree 's principle of "building a product into a business". But of course there is a right way and a wrong way to do this. If you do it the wrong way you will not only lose the opportunity to increase your business, you will lose the relationship with your customer. We will say more about the right way in the next post.

Meanwhile look at
Launch Tree for more of this fascinating stuff!

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Launch Tree - You Can't Have A Tree Without Branches

Your business has a ROOT and a TRUNK. But until it has BRANCHES it isn't a tree.

What is this all about? Well, it's one of the most important secrets of
Launch Tree.

Remember we said you should never start with your product - first you have to find out what the customer WANTS. If you did that, you should have a product that customers will buy. And we also said you must NOT "sell" to your customers. Make sure your customers feel they are in control and in the mood to say Yes - then they feel THEY have made the decision to buy. And they feel good about it.

So what do you do now? Leave it there and start thinking about your next product? If you do that, you are doing yourself out of huge amounts of money! You now use the psychology of the customer to build your product into a business. In other words, adding value to the customer's purchase when he buys additional products that will enhance the purchase and make him feel even happier with it than he already does.

This process is sometimes called "upselling". Launch Tree doesn't like the phrase because it has bad associations for a number of people. If you have been "upsold" to in the past, it probably made you feel annoyed and not persuaded you to buy. Launch Tree prefers the word "customize" - you help your customers to customize their purchases by making them more useful, more enjoyable and more valuable to them personally. But you have to learn how to do it right and this holds a number of secrets which
Launch Tree teaches. Go there to find out more.

Launch Tree - the Trunk of the Tree

We have seen that the ROOT of your business according to Launch Tree is the psychology of your customer. Without getting this right, there's no point in even starting a business.

In other words, developing a product without finding out whether it is what the customer WANTS is a waste of time. You could have the most fantastic idea for the most fantastic product, but if nobody wants it, nobody will buy it. And remember it's about what customers WANT, not what customers NEED. You can only find out what customers WANT by understanding their thoughts and feelings, and what makes them tick.

So the famous piece of advice "Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door" is only partly true! They will only beat a path to your door if it's what they wanted in the first place! So you had better find that out. Even if you think people need a better mousetrap, it has to appeal to their deepest emotions, or solve a problem that is causing them misery and pain, for them to want it.

So developing a product that meets people's wants and desires is the TRUNK of your business. But a trunk without branches still isn't a tree. More about this next time.

And don't forget all this isn't just a new fad or a piece of fancy theory. It's the way the
Launch Tree guys have built massive fortunes, using the secrets they are going to teach step by step. Click on the link for more information.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Launch Tree - Get Your Customer To Say Yes

In the previous post, about the root of your business as Launch Tree sees it, we talked about how essential it is to ensure your customer makes the decision to buy. The customer needs to feel in control. If you and I feel we are being "sold" to, we immediately feel "no", and so do most other customers.

The secret is to put your customer in a mindset to say "yes", right from the start. So if your product is a cellphone, don't start off with "Would you like to buy a cellphone?" This will probably get a No! Start off with a question like "Would you say that good communication is important to you?" If your product is a machine for cleaning your house, start off with something like "Would you say that a clean home is important to you?"

Once the customer has answered Yes to this question, move on from there, asking the next logicaal question to make the customer answer Yes each time, until the customer realizes for himself that he really must have that product! What's more, the customer will go away happy and satisfied!

The reason is that the word Yes has been proved to be a vital psychological trigger that will lower people's defenses and make them feel increasingly positive the more they use it.

This is just one of the principles that the authors of
Launch Tree have used to make colossal fortunes! Check it out and see if it can help you.

Launch Tree - What Is The Root Of Your Business?

The idea behind Launch Tree is that your business has to GROW like a tree, and like a tree it has a root, a trunk and branches. So what is the root?

Well, the root of your business is: understanding the psychology of your customer. Getting INSIDE your customer's mind. This is the root from which your business grows. Just as a tree cannot grow without healthy roots, so your business simply cannot grow if you don't fully understand your customer's mind.

And just as a tree starts with its roots, as the authors of Launch Tree point out, so your business has to START with understanding the customer. How many people start a business by developing a product and then figuring out how to market it? This is completely the wrong way round!

Your first step is figuring out what your customer WANTS. Not what your customer needs, what your customer WANTS. Because people buy what they WANT, not what they need.

And secondly, when you have found out what the customers want - forget about "selling" it to them! Because people hate being sold to! Make sure they feel they are making the decision to buy.

More about this in the next post. Meanwhile find out more about
Launch Tree now, before everyone else finds out about it.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Launch Tree - What Is It?

Launch Tree teaches you how to build a BUSINESS (a proper business, not just making sales) by teaching you the EXACT methods of the most phenomenally successful marketers on the Internet. These include Anik Singal and Mike Filsaime - it's actually their product. And contributors include Rich Schefren, Frank Kern and Russell Brunson.

Launch Tree shows you STEP by STEP how to build your business structure so that you WILL be as mega-successful as these giants. In fact, the goal of the course is that you will instantly increase your income by 456% if not more!

The idea of Launch Tree is that like a tree, a marketing business grows naturally from its roots and has a trunk and branches. You have to get the roots right first of all. But you also have to learn how to grow your product into a business.

In the next posts we will look at what the roots, trunk and branches are. Meanwhile find out more about
Launch Tree and become a success story!